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Miss you

There are infinite ways I can miss you, maybe the list is short but my reason is huge. Or maybe I've got a trillion lists of tiny reasons but both are the same dull ache. Perhaps I do have both. My little list no longer makes sense, just like it simply no longer exists. My longer list is not meaningless, it's all about him. I miss those things that he used to say. I miss the songs that he would play in his car. I miss the way he was excited about meeting me even after we met just a few days back. I miss how he loved me every time he looked at me. I miss his geekiness about movies and shows. He was a lost cause, but I miss him. I loved the way he chased passion. I miss the way he loved adventure and made our days a ride of a roller coaster.  Mostly, though, I miss things that haven't happened yet. You can't actually miss them because you never knew your life with them in it, but you can't help but think about how great it would have been. I miss things like this on b


A letter from a stranger. It is believed that if today we face some problem in life, then tomorrow it will be solved, like day and night, life hits us too. If we face the dark side now, then surely tomorrow there will be light. Many of us believe in this motto and many may not. I once learnt about a traveller, who was stuck in a desert. His car had broken down and cell reception was lost. However, without losing his hope, he survived the hard conditions of the desert and saw his loved ones again. I wondered, was it hope which kept him alive? Was it the inspiration of the loved ones? Was it the wish to live again? I was lost in my thoughts when my eyes fell upon a desk, a lifeless desk. It can't move, it can't feel the scratches made by anyone, it simply bears weight without an ache, it doesn't feel PAIN!  Maybe we are wrong after all long? Pain can only be felt by the living. Contradicting, we may believe that in pain we feel lifeless, but it is an imp


I am the kind of person who would go to extreme measures to avoid spoilers whenever a new film or Tv show releases. I am off social media until I actually finish watching the movie or the whole season of the Tv show. In real life, if I hear a conversation about something I am looking forward to, I immediately leave the scene with hands on my ears singing loudly. I hate those evil people who deliberately post spoilers everywhere and ruin it for everyone. And apparently,  the internet has become one such hub for evils to rant about. We really need a feature to report spoilers or filter out posts that contain them on social media. What a generous world would that be! The accidental kind of spoilers is plain dumb. Be careful guys, do no harm to others as it may just start a rival reaction. But you know what is the worst kind of spoiler? The fake one! You keep imagining scenarios in your head that this might happen, waiting and it ends the other way round. My sister actually had

That one time I was a meme

People never spell my name correctly and it gets screwed up a lot. If I had a dollar for everytime someone wrote ' Riya' as 'Ria' , I'd be retired and enjoying my life. I had 14 certificates changed in school because they always wrote 'Ria ' or ' Rhea' on them. That error has happened so frequently, there came a point where I just stopped pointing it out to people, at least in messages. It's a bigger disappointment when a guy is trying to flirt, and he writes the wrong spelling of your name. I mean I don't expect you to do any favourite colour/flowers homework but the name is basics duh-uh. Nevertheless, the day came Suddenly everybody knew the right spelling of my name because everyone who knew me and some who didn't, were tagging me in the #riyamemes. Well, I don't know about Sajid but my friends were super happy because they now had a new excuse to make fun of me. I had so much unwanted attention on every social me

It's a matter of timing

"This friendship and love are too fictional, People just keep trying to make them real. It doesn't work." The idea of love is drilled into our minds, through every fictional movie and tv shows we watch, through every romantic novel we read, through every picture made to look like love. I did not develop love correctly, perhaps, everything felt tough, bleak, dramatic, volatile and bad. And every stable relationship of commitment and stability around me made me uneasy. Generally, I believe the need to feel affection, chills and thrill of a relationship is valid and a winnable need, What's tragic is that it's often dismissed. If you've never been in love or in a relationship, I'd hate to be the one breaking it to you but MAGIC FADES. It's a matter of time. But that's where you discover what's real and what's not. No matter how good or bad it'll be for you, with time you'll realize your partner will be a mix of qualities a


This amazing pocketbook captures some of Ruskin Bond's best observations on a life of serenity. This book actually makes you feel calm and relaxed.  For me it was my bedtime read, it helped me a lot to dip into moments of disquiet.  Why you must pause, look up and out of the window My favorite quotes from this book- 

'Smart' with emotions!

Looking to read a good book on management? Find essential insights for busy managers through this book: This is a hugely insightful and engaging book. It is practical and a guide to using your emotions in the right direction. It explains how emotions play an important role in an organisation, especially in building a relationship with employees. " People leave managers, not companies" HIGHLIGHTS: 1. The essential difference between emotion and reason is that emotion leads to action while reason leads to conclusions. 2. He who knows the universe but does not know himself knows nothing.  3. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 4. The most valuable time we have is between stimulus and response.