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I am the kind of person who would go to extreme measures to avoid spoilers whenever a new film or Tv show releases. I am off social media until I actually finish watching the movie or the whole season of the Tv show. In real life, if I hear a conversation about something I am looking forward to, I immediately leave the scene with hands on my ears singing loudly. I hate those evil people who deliberately post spoilers everywhere and ruin it for everyone. And apparently,  the internet has become one such hub for evils to rant about. We really need a feature to report spoilers or filter out posts that contain them on social media. What a generous world would that be! The accidental kind of spoilers is plain dumb. Be careful guys, do no harm to others as it may just start a rival reaction. But you know what is the worst kind of spoiler? The fake one! You keep imagining scenarios in your head that this might happen, waiting and it ends the other way round. My sister actually had