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That one time I was a meme

People never spell my name correctly and it gets screwed up a lot. If I had a dollar for everytime someone wrote ' Riya' as 'Ria' , I'd be retired and enjoying my life. I had 14 certificates changed in school because they always wrote 'Ria ' or ' Rhea' on them. That error has happened so frequently, there came a point where I just stopped pointing it out to people, at least in messages. It's a bigger disappointment when a guy is trying to flirt, and he writes the wrong spelling of your name. I mean I don't expect you to do any favourite colour/flowers homework but the name is basics duh-uh. Nevertheless, the day came Suddenly everybody knew the right spelling of my name because everyone who knew me and some who didn't, were tagging me in the #riyamemes. Well, I don't know about Sajid but my friends were super happy because they now had a new excuse to make fun of me. I had so much unwanted attention on every social me