- A new year special post This is a time of reflecting and gauging your progress. A time of observing the year that was through the lens of wisdom. There were times when everything went perfectly, and then, there were things that caused major disappointment. However, I am grateful for them all because I understand that the failures have taught me what success never will. My journal prompt for today- What are the stories you'll be carrying with you into 2022?
Do you imagine coincidences happening in your mind? Meeting an old friend in the metro, What would you talk to them about? Well, I started doing that the moment I lost you. Looking for you in strangers, in places where you'd usually be, where we'd usually be. Sometimes I could even feel your presence around me, but not you. Just strange faces around me. When our beloved ones die, It's a tragedy but it wasn't their choice to leave you. When you left me it was worse than a tragedy, because it was your choice. You opt to leave me. It wasn't an incident, it was a choice. One of the most painful things I had to go through, was to grieve the loss of a person who is still alive. It changed me over time. More than the pain, my familiarity with some very special people changed me. So the situation changed. I stopped looking for you in strangers. Even if we met someday I wouldn't even probably recognize you. You would be another strange face in the crowd. Yo