Too Much Trouble - Ruskin bond
A book review ( with an interpretation )
This book is a perfect children's book, it is funny, it has morals that lighten up your heart.
Throughout the book, I was constantly smiling because it reminded me how I loved such stories during my childhood.
But being a 19-year-old I have a very different interpretation of this book:
"We eventually start adjusting to circumstances"
In the book, the young narrator and his family start adjusting with some troublesome guests- Elusive python, A naughty monkey, And even a mischievous ghost.
It is funny how a children's book can answer your problems when no one can,
over-thinker by nature, I'm always tempted to look back into my past and be bothered by it.
Now, my interpretation is that we all have something in the past that keeps bothering us in our present- the lost battles, the heartbreaks, failures, regrets etc..
The small ones are the animals while the bigger ones are our ghost. We eventually forget the animals and are not reminded of them until someone brings them up, we even sometimes laugh about it,
But uff I love the ghost part.
They are mischievous, they keep bothering us again and again. And believe me if you are bothered by them, They'll never really go.
Even in the story when the family finally accepts living with the ghost it showers roses on them.
So when the ghost has decided to live with you, you'll have to make the best of it.
Because You can't solve a problem by running away from it.
Trying to forget the past is like trying the sorcery to drive away the ghost, it only encourages him more. You can't really avoid it, it's there always in your mind, trying to rule it.
but what happens when you accept the ghost to your mind, you learn from it and earn the peace of mind.
The situation of bad breakups can be related to this. No, you can't just forget the person you loved with all your heart and move on by sulking on songs and ice-creams. The ghost only becomes the ghost when it is a bad death, the good ones usually decay like animals.
You will have to accept the past, in order to truly move on to the present. Welcoming the ghost will always remain easier.
The whole idea reminds me a beautiful dialogue from one of my favorite tv shows
"the future is scary. But you can't just run back to the past because it's familiar.
Yes, it's tempting... But it's a mistake."
No matter how bad the past was, or how frightening the future is
we can never control them,
all we can do is live in the present and use the present to erase the past and brighten the future.
The past is only the past when we lay our ghosts and forgive. Otherwise, we let the past poison the present and ruin the future.
